Sunday, February 11, 2007

Evil Day, and wings!!!111!! ;)

--RL snippet--

My husband and I are in a group called SCA...if you know what that is, don't laugh too hard. :P Typically in mid-February we go to a 5-day camping event for the aforementioned society...which has turned Valentines Day into something somewhat non-existent. And before we started going to these events, we had one V-Day together, but I think we were broken up at the time, so it really wasn't good. And every V-day prior, I was single.

But this year...THIS YEAR!!! We are not going to the event, and I darn well better be spoiled! ;)

--End RL snippet--

I got my chance to squee today at the Valentines goodies that Blaze created...

First off, the Amore gown:

Available in a variety of colors, and soo charming...but you really need to see this in-world for yourself, either from the demo or from viewing the live mannequins...when moving or dancing, the layer underneath shows through and really gives a creative edge to the gown.

And comes with a lingerie extra!

I should also mention that all of the poses used in these pictures are from Luth Brodie's new pose collection "Sex Sells" and umm...I wouldn't know that to be a fact <.< >.> but these poses are certainly hot...

And in a move that certainly put me the mood to dress up, Blaze also added a package of two new colors for the Lush line...a deep red and hot pink. Here's the red:

So, say you dress up in all this sexeh Valentines finery, and your partner forgets to log in, and you find him in World of Warcraft, ogling the blood elves? Now, you can claw his eyes out with Tete a Pied's prim fingernails! Check these beauties out:

Available in 25 different styles currently, 5 different themes.

I love them, absolutely love them, but let me point out a few things about them:

1) They have a low-priority AO for the hands so the nails stay in place...unfortunately, they made some of my poses look a bit weird, and my personal AO would occasionally override the nail AO, and the nails would look like this...and sometimes, I would have to detach and reattach them to get them right:

Would this deter me from wearing them all the time? No way. But unfortunately...

2) They attach to the left and right hands, and so did my rings. So it's one or the other. I tried to attach my rings to the forearms instead, but that was a no-go. I have two rings that I wear all of the time, so now when I put my ensembles together, I have a choice to make.

And now, in what has to have been fate, I was trying to search for something in Classifieds, when something completely unrelated to what I was searching for appeared in the window, and the pretty colors halted me from making another step, except to TP directly to Amusing Tone to check out these wings:

I'm not a wings person by any stretch, I think I wear them once every 6 months or so...but these are beautiful. There's not much of a selection there so far, but there's another pair there that are colorful, almost reminiscent of the Lisa Frank color schemes (not the new themes, more like the stationery us girls fawned over in the early-mid 90's)...each also comes with a stiff and flexi version...very convenient.

Available here: Amusing Tone

That's all for tonight :)

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